논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2022-06 The brassware industry and the salvage campaigns of wartime colonial Korea (1937-1945) Businesss History
2021-08 Staging Images of Everyday Life in Late Colonial Korea: Colonial Visuality and the Proliferation of Amateur Photography ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW
2018-10 The Trouble with Christian Publishing: Yun Ch'iho (1865-1945) and the Complexities of Cultural Nationalism in Colonial Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN RELIGIONS
2017-06 The Pitfalls of Monopoly Production and the Ginseng Derivatives Market in Colonial Korea 1910-1945 Seoul Journal of Korean Studies
2017-03 The Han’gŭl Crisis and Language Standardization: Clashing Orthographic Identities and the Politics of Cultural Construction JOURNAL OF KOREAN STUDIES
2016-12 Smoking for Empire: The Production and Consumption of Tobacco in Colonial Korea 1910-1945 Seoul Journal of Korean Studies
2016-10 The Politics of Officially Recognizing Religions and the Expansion of Urban ‘Social Work’ in Colonial Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN RELIGIONS
2016-04 Re-conceptualizing the Boundaries of Empire: The Imperial Politics of Chinese Labor Migration to Manchuria and Colonial Korea SUNGKYUN JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES
2015-12 The Japanese Empire’s Colonial Project-New Approaches to the Colonization of Korea 사이間SAI
2015-03 세계사의 흐름 속에 성장한 북미지역의 한국사와 한국사학계의 교차점 : 세계사와 동아시아사의 연계성 중심으로 역사와 현실
2014-12 Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Transnationalism in Korean History Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies
2010-12 The Lost Memories of Empire and Cross-Border Displacement: Conceptualizing Manchuria in Modern Korean History and the Korean Return from Manchuria, 1945-1950 SEOUL JOURNAL OF KOREAN STUDIES
2010-12 The Lost Memories of Empire and the Korean Return from Manchuria, 1945-1950: Conceptualizing Manchuria in Modern Korean History SEOUL JOURNAL OF KOREAN STUDIES
2010-12 Collective Memory and Commemorative Space: Reflections on Korean Modernity and the Ky?ngbok Palace Reconstruction 1865-2010 International Area Review
2010-10 The Hidden Impact of the 1931 Post-Wanpaoshan Riots: Credit Risk and the Chinese Commercial Network Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies
2010-06 서양선교사 출판운동으로 본 조선후기와 일제초기의 상업출판과 언문의 위상 열상고전연구
2010-06 서양선교사 출판운동으로 본 조선후기와 일제초기의 상업출판과 언문의 위상 열상고전연구
2010-02 APEC지역 내 학생 이동: 지역주의와 다문화 교육의 새로운 전망 다문화사회연구
2009-05 From the Age of Heroic Production to the Birth of Korean Literature: Capital Flows, Transnational Media Markets, and Literary Production in the Colonial Period 사이間SAI
2009-02 Empire and Dystopia: Colonial Korea and the Greater East Asian Prosperity Sphere Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture
2007-09 The Aesthetics of Total Mobilisation in the Visual Culture of Late Colonial Korea Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions
2007-08 The discursive foundations of the south Korean developmental state: Sasanggye and the reception of modernization theory Korea Observer
2007-01 Regards sur la Collaboration Coree Vingtieme Siecle: Revue D Histoire
2005-08 The Growth and Development of the Publishing Industry during the Colonial Period 한국사 시민강좌
2005-08 일제시대 출판계의 변화와 성장 한국사 시민강좌
2004-11 Literary Production, Circulating Libraries, and Private Publishing: The Popular Reception of Vernacular Fiction Texts in the Late Chos?n Dynasty INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KOREAN STUDIES
2004-06 서양인들이 본 조선후기와 일제초기 출판문화의 모습 열상고전연구
2004-06 서양인들이 본 조선후기와 일제초기 출판문화의 모습 열상고전연구
2003-12 Giving Reason to the Unreasonable: Philip Jaisohn and The Independent Comparative Korean Studies