- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s & Prof. Taeyoon Lee’s Research Team Published a Paper on ‘Advanced Materials’
- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim’s & Prof. Taeyoon Lee’s research team jointly proposed a new concept of a strain-sensor based on conductive fibers that reduce resistance when stretched. They have also developed a novel ultra-low power wearable healthcare monitoring system that consumes almost no power in standby mode but only when the user moves. These results were recognized for their excellence and published in Advanced Materials (IF=29.4, Top 2% in JCR), one of the world's leading journals in the field of material science. This study was led by Won Kyung Min and Chihyeong Won (co-first authors) under the supervision of Prof. Hyun Jae Kim and Prof. Taeyoon Lee.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.08.03
- Prof. Seong-Lyun Kim has published in the IEEE Sensors Journal.
- The joint research paper "Waveform-Guide Transformation of IMU Measurements for Smartphone-Based Localization" by the research team led by Prof. Seong-Lyun Kim at Yonsei University, Dr. Seung-Min Yu at the Korea Railroad Research Institute, and Prof. Seung-Woo Ko at Inha University, was published in the IEEE Sensors Journal (Q1, Impact Factor: 4.3) in July 2023. The research, which utilizes a deep learning network to calibrate smartphone sensor information for indoor positioning, is expected to find applications in railway stations and logistics centers.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.08.03
- Prof. Taeyoon Lee’s lab. (NanoBioDevice Lab) grants 2023 Nano·Material Technology Development Program supported by NRF
- Prof. Taeyoon Lee’s research team (NBDL) granted 2023 Nano∙Material Technology Development Program for the research titled, “Development of wearable platform for monitoring infectious diseases based on nanomesh using selective reduction patterning” NBDL will receive a 3875 million won grant from National Research Foundation of Korea for 5 years of project.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.07.25
- Prof. Taeyoon Lee’s lab. (NanoBioDevice Lab) published A front cover paper in Advanced Functional Materials
- Prof. Taeyoon Lee’s research team developed a bismuth telluride(Bi2Te3) based stretchable thermoelectric fabric. The results were published as front cover paper in the June issue of Advanced Functional Materials (IF = 19.924, JCR rank = 4.66%). This study was led by Chaebeen Kwon (first author) and supervised under Prof. Taeyoon Lee (Corresponding author).
- 전기전자공학부 2023.07.25
- Three Papers from Prof. Bumsub Ham’s Research Team have been accepted to IEEE/CVF ICCV 2023
- Three papers from Prof. Bumsub Ham’s research team have been accepted to IEEE/CVF ICCV 2023 (International Conference on Computer Vision, h5-index=239), a top-tier conference in the field of computer vision and artificial intelligence. Two papers led by Jongyoun Noh, Hyekang Park address the confidence calibration of neural networks, and one paper led by Geon Lee addresses unsupervised domain adaptative person re-identification.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.07.25
- Dongho Ha (Professor Won Woo Ro) Research Work Presented @ ISCA’23
- Prof. Ro’s research team studied a novel GPU architecture removing redundant computations. This work has been accepted to International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA, Acceptance Rate: 21%), a top-tier conference in Computer Architecture. Title: “R2D2: Removing ReDunDancy Utilizing Linearity of Address Generation in GPUs” This research was supervised by Prof. Won Woo Ro and led by Ph.D. student Dongho Ha.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.07.10
- Ju Young Lee, Jongwoon Shin, Kyubeen Kim, Jeong Eun Ju published in Small (Impact Factor : 15.153)
- Ju Young Lee, Jongwoon Shin, Kyubeen Kim, Jeong Eun Ju (First author) and Professor Ki Jun Yu (Corresponding author), have successfully developed ultrathin crystalline silicon nano and micro membranes with high areal density for low-cost flexible electronics and manufactured solar cell and transistor arrays for demonstrating the applicability of this technique to various flexible electronic devices. The research was published in Small (IF 15.153), a leading international academic journal in the field of applied physics.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.07.10
- Prof. Hyun Jae Kim's group was selected for the 2023 National Semiconductor Research Laboratory's Core Technology Develo
- Prof. Kim’s research team (Electronic Device Lab) has been selected to the 2023 National Semiconductor Research Laboratory's Core Technology Development Support Program in the field of semiconductor devices (Title: “Development of High-Density/High-Performance Capacitorless DRAM Technology based on IGZO V-Tr for Next-Generation Neuromorphic Computing Systems") This project will be carried out for 5 years from April 2023 to December 2027 with 2.375 billion won grant from National research foundation of Korea
- 전기전자공학부 2023.06.23
- Dr. Akbar and Prof. Jung-Wook Park published the paper in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (IF 6.153)
- Dr. Akbar (used to be post-doctoral research associate) and Prof. Jung-Wook Park (corresponding author) in Power and Control System Lab. will publish the paper titled "Single-Phase Virtual-Ground Transformerless Buck-Boost Inverters“ in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (IF 6.153, weight-3 in electric power engineering).
- 전기전자공학부 2023.06.23
- Mingyu Sang, Myeongki Cho, Selin Lim, In Sik Min published the paper in Science Advances (IF:14.98)
- Mingyu Sang, Myeongki Cho, Selin Lim, In Sik Min (first author) and Professor Ki Jun Yu (corresponding author), have successfully developed a wireless continuous glucose monitoring system based on a highly sensitive, biodegradable microneedle array sensor and applied a smartphone application to accurately track glucose concentrations in real-time without causing any skin wounds. The research was published in Science Advances (IF 14.98), an international academic and the top authority in multidisciplinary engineering.
- 전기전자공학부 2023.06.23