- [Welcome to MMCA] MMCA Seoul Highlights Tour
- [Welcome to MMCA] MMCA Seoul Highlights Tour EXPLORE THE CURRENT EXHIBITIONS AND DISCOVER RICH STORIES OF MMCA SEOUL! ※ Program will be held in English ■ PARTICIPANTS : International visitors, foreign residents in Korea, etc. ■ DATE & TIME 1. 2022.NOV.22.(Tue) 14:00-15:00 2. 2022.NOV.30.(Wed) 14:00-15:00 ※ 20 persons per session ■ VENUE : MMCA Seoul (30 Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03062) - Google map / Naver map / Kakao map ※ Meet at Lobby(1F) ■ PRICE : Free with an entrance ticket ※ MMCA Seoul 4,000 KRW (need to buy/book a ticket before program starts) ■ CONTACT : MMCA Education Department (+82-2-3701-9617, jjkim42@korea.kr) CLICK HERE TO APPLY!
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.15
- [Fall 2022] Re-Admission Application for Spring Semester 2023 / 2023-1学期再入学申请
- Re-Admission Application Guidelines for Spring Semester 2023 1. Eligibility 1) Dismissed students - due to failure to complete their enrollment during the designated period - due to failure to return after the allowed leave of absence period expires - due to academic warnings and 2 years or more have passed since the dismissal date - due to exceeding the maximum semester limit - voluntary withdrawal 2. Applicable Unit All departments, except for Pharmacy * Students affiliated with the Department of Law, which was abolished, can apply for re-admission only to the Department of Public Administration. * Students affiliated with the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing should contact the office of each college for availability. 3. Re-Admission Procedures (Document Screening) 1) 1st Stage: Review by the Academic Support Team 2) 2nd Stage: Review by each college's review committee (college or department) 3) 3rd Stage: Review by the Re-Admission Committee Review * If necessary, an additional written test or interview could be administered. * If you are considered improper in any of the above screening procedures, re-admission is not allowed. For further information, please check the notice at the Yonsei website. 2023-1学期再入学申请 1. 申请对象 因未登录、未复学、成绩未达标(除籍经过2年)、超过学期、自愿退学等被除籍的学生。 2. 招生单位 除药学专业外的其他所有学科若干名 *已经废止的法学专业只能申请行政学科的再入学; *医学、口腔学、护理学专业需向其所属学科的行政室咨询再入学相关事项。 3. 审核方法(材料审查) 第一阶段:教务处审查 第二阶段:学科审议委员会审查 第三阶段:再入学审议委员会审查 *各学科可能根据需要进行单独考试; *须通过上述所有审查,才可能获得入学许可。 详情请跳转至延世大学官方网站公告栏。
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.09
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] Global Day! (Theme: Japanese Culture Day) / 日本文化体验日
- Introduction of event Global Day is an event held every semester by the student organization Yonsei Global. Details of the event Yonsei Global, a student organization under Yonsei University’s Office of International, will hold a regular event called Global Day. The theme of this semester is “Japanese Culture Day, Japan Day,” in which various programs related to Japanese culture will be held, including experience traditional Japanese clothes and toys, making Katakana name tags, King Kyo-Sukui (catching goldfish) etc. Generous prize will be given through raffles and we will also provide various snacks and takoyaki so we ask for many Yonsei students to take interest and participate in this event. Date & time of event November 10th (Thursday) ~11th (Friday) from 11AM ~ 6PM Location The Commons, Global Lounge, Yonsei University 活动介绍 本活动为由延世大学国际处下属学生团体Yonsei Global定期举办的介绍其他国家文化的活动。 活动内容 由延世大学国际处下属学生团体Yonsei Global定期举办的介绍其他国家文化的活动将于本周四正式拉开帷幕。本次活动的主题为‘日本文化日,Japan Day’,本次活动的具体内容为日本传统和服以及玩具体验、片假名名牌制作、钓金鱼等与日本文化相关的体验活动。另外,还有各种抽奖活动以及免费的日本零食和章鱼小丸子,欢迎各位延世成员前来体验日本文化。 活动日期&时间 2022年11月10日(星期四)~11日(星期五)11:00~18:00 活动地点 The Commons, Global Lounge, 延世白杨路地下
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.08
- [Fall 2022] National Health Insurance Guide for International Students
- For more information , please check the attached file.
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.07
- How to download Hangul (한글)
- Downloading Hangul (한글) Program In Korea, Hangul (HWP) is more commonly used than Microsoft Word. Most of the templates for resumes are in HWP as well. If you are planning to stay in Korea for a long period of time or getting a job in Korea, it will be useful to download this program and get familiar with it. Want to use this program but don't know where to get it? No worries, if you are not sure how to get this program, download the attached PDF file and it will give you easy step by step process.
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.07
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] 2022 스웨덴대학 유학 박람회
- “2022 스웨덴대학 유학 박람회” 1. 일정: 2022년 11월12일 (토요일) 오후 2시 – 오후 6시 2. 장소: 서울 롯데호텔 소공동, 37층, Garnet Suite 3. 참여대학 • Lund University (룬드대학교) • Umeå University (우메오대학교) • KTH (왕립공과대학교) 4. 프로그램 • Study in Sweden 담당자가 제공하는 스웨덴 유학 및 장학금 정보 • 스웨덴 석박사 유학 선배들과 스웨덴 대학 재학생들이 알려주는 스웨덴 대학 및 생활 관련 최신 정보 • 스웨덴 대학 관계자 및 교수님과의 1:1 대면 상담 5. 참여 사전등록링크: https://ddei5-0-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fforms.gle%2fwt2cRAd8py9o8Cjg9&umid=5FF9FD9D-EC12-0805-8957-BA628FA38ABA&auth=aa2a6666dadc3109e072cd23e72dcb4db4081a53-8a8cc15f40bdeb9eff52d7cf084c1b07c68b7e5a 6. 참가비: 무료 7. 문의: 주한스웨덴대사관 교육홍보담당관 조미연 (miyeon.cho@gov.se)
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.07
- Global Internship Program
- Global Internship for International Students 1. Internship Period: Jan. 2, 2023 (Monday) ~ February 17th (Friday) [7 weeks] 2. Number of interns: 25 3. Working hours: 9:00~16:00 (5 days a week, 1 hour lunch included) * hours may change 4. Details of work: Overseas marketing, translation(consultation), duties related to international, etc. Application method 1. Application period: November 4th (Friday) ~ Novem 16th (Wednesday) until 18:00 2. Site: https://forms.gle/vfGx4FVMU7QnP9ug6 Inquires: 2133-8702
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.07
Programs & Events
- [Fall 2022] 2022 KOREA DMZ VIRTUAL TOUR
- 2022 KOREA DMZ VIRTUAL TOUR 1) 프로그램명: 메타버스 D-MZ 투어 2) 행사일자: 2022.11.3.(목)~5(토) 3) 행사내용: DMZ 파주, 철원, 고성으로 구성된 기차 여행 컨셉의 메타버스 (ZEP) 4) 신청방법: Station DMZ 홈페이지(www.stationDMZ.com)
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.02
- Pschological Support For October 29 (Itaewon) Tragedy / 10.29梨泰院事件心理咨询服务
- Psychological Support Program for October 29 (Itaewon) Tragedy The Counseling Center would like to express our deepest condolences to the victims, their friends and families who lost their loved ones and also to everyone who were involved in the tragic event. The Counseling Center is offering meetings to provide crisis support to the members of the university (survivors, witnesses, rescuers, etc.) experiencing emotional distress related to the tragedy. We will be holding meetings for international students in Chinese and English. If you or someone you know need help, please come and see us at one of our meetings. [Chinese] 1st Meeting : Wednesday 9 November 16:00-18:00, International Campus, Wisdom Hall A, Counseling Center 2nd Meeting : Wednesday 16 November 16:00-18:00, Online Meeting on Zoom (Zoom link will be sent to you by email) [English] 1st Meeting : Thursday 10 November 13:00-15:00, Online Meeting on Zoom 2nd Meeting : Thursday 10 November 15:00-17:00, Online Meeting on Zoom (Zoom link will be sent to you by email) Please apply via the link below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEQ271AcK0T-w8UwiAiA3qwge2dr3tNhLYjKw1CdWN-TloqA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 10.29梨泰院事件心理咨询服务 首先,向遇难者、失去亲人或家人的遗属以及参与这一悲惨事件的每一个人表示最深切的哀悼和遗憾。 咨询中心为延世大学成员(幸存者、目击者、救援人员等)提供相关心理咨询服务,以最大化地减轻他们正在经历的与10.29梨泰院事件相关的情绪困扰。 我们将提供中英文心理咨询服务。如果您或您的朋友需要帮助,可通过最下端链接申请参加团体咨询会议。 [中文] 第一次会议:11月9日星期三16:00-18:00,国际校区, 智慧馆A,咨询中心 第二次会议:11月16日星期三16:00-18:00,Zoom线上会议(会议链接将通过电子邮件另行通知) [英文] 第一次会议:11月10日星期四13:00-15:00,Zoom线上会议(会议链接将通过电子邮件另行通知) 第二次会议:11月10日星期四15:00-17:00,Zoom线上会议(会议链接将通过电子邮件另行通知) 请通过以下链接申请相关咨询服务。 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEQ271AcK0T-w8UwiAiA3qwge2dr3tNhLYjKw1CdWN-TloqA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.02
- [Yonsei Korean Language Institute] Online Korean Course Basic 1
- Online Korean at Yonsei Basic 1 - 수강료: 300,000원 * 50명 선착순 수강료 30% 할인 이벤트 진행 중 - URL: https://www.learnus.org/local/ubonline/view.php?id=225649&group=3 延世线上韩语课 基础1 - 学费: 300,000韩币 * 前50位报名学员学费立减30% - 链接: https://www.learnus.org/local/ubonline/view.php?id=225649&group=3
- Yonsei GOSC 2022.11.01