- [Fall 2023] Application Guide on Changing Affiliations on Campus 【2023年秋季】专业变更应用指南
- Application Guide on Changing Affiliations on Campus for Fall 2023 Semester 1. Period April 27, 2023 (Thur) ~ May 3, 2023 17:00 2. Eligibility - Only those students who originally entered as first-year students - Only those students who have completed at least 3 semesters and have not completed 6 semesters among students whose first major has been approved. (either enrolled or on leave of absence). - Only those who have completed at least 9 credits for the major subjects of the current department * Students who have completed 6 semesters cannot apply * There is no limit to the number of applications, but students who have been approved cannot re-apply Please refer to the Yonsei Website Notice for further detail. 2023年秋季学期专业变更应用指南 1. 期间:2023年4月27日(周四)~2023年5月3日(周三) 17:00 2. 资格 - 仅限最初以大一学生身份入学的学生 - 仅限已完成至少3个学期并且未完成6个学期的学生,且其第一专业已经得到批准(无论是在校还是休学期间) - 仅限在当前专业的主修科目完成至少9学分的学生 * 已经完成6个学期的学生不能申请 * 申请人数没有限制,但是已获得批准的学生不能重新申请 详细内容请参考延世大学官方网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.17
- 2023 Tour Guide Program for International Students 为国际学生提供的2023年导游活动
- 2023 Tour Guide Program for International Students 1. Eligibility: Any international students planning to tour Seoul 2. Application Period: ~ December 2023 3. Application Method: Scan QR Code on the poster 4. Contents: - Matching Korean university students who can guide, accompany and explain tourist destination - Korean university student will guide in order to help understand the Korean culture and history 5. Fee: Free 6. Inquiries: scan QR code on the poster For more information, please refer to the poster 为国际学生提供的2023年导游活动 1. 资格:计划首尔旅行的国际学生 2. 申请期间:~2023年12月 3. 申请方式: 扫描海报上的QR码 4. 内容: - 配对可以指导、陪同、说明旅游目的地的韩国大学生 - 韩国大学生为了帮助理解韩国文化和历史,将进行指导 5. 费用:免费 6. 咨询:扫描海报上的QR码 详细内容请参考海报
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.13
- Student Accident Insurance 学生意外伤害保险
- Student Accident Insurance Yonsei University operates student accident insurance to prepare for various accidents that can occur during on- and off-campus activities. For more information, please download the attached documents and refer to the Student Accident Insurance Application Guide. Please note that all documents are in Korea. Original notice at the Yonsei University Website 学生伤害保险 延世大学为了预备校内外发生的事故,运营着学生意外伤害保险。 详细内容请下载附件后确认学生意外伤害保险申请指南。 请注意所有的文件是韩文版。 原公告请参考延世大学官方网站
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.11
- 2023년 특수외국어능력평가 Critical Foreign Language
- 2023년 특수외국어능력평가 - 일 시: 2023.5.13.(토) 15:00~16:30 - 장 소: 한국외국어대학교 서울캠퍼스(서울시 동대문구 이문로 107) - 응시언어: 15개 특수외국어 중 1개를 선택하여 응시 (대상언어) 마인어(인도네시아어·말레이시아어), 몽골어, 미얀마어, 베트남어, 스와힐리어, 아랍어, 우즈베크어, 이란어, 크메르어, 터키어, 태국어, 포르투갈어·브라질어, 폴란드어, 헝가리어, 힌디어 - 접수기간: 2023.4.12.(수) 09:30 ~ 4.18.(화) 17:00 ※ 원서접수 홈페이지: http://flexcfl.hufs.ac.kr ; - 응시료: 55,000원 - 성적발표 및 성적인증서 발급: 2023.6.2.(금) 15:00 홈페이지(http://flexcfl.hufs.ac.kr ) - 주관 및 문의처: 한국외국어대학교 FLEX 센터(02-2173-2532, 2537) 2023 Critical Foreign Language - Date & Time: 2023.5.13.(Sat) 15:00~16:30 - Place: Hanguk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul Campus) - Language: 15 (choose 1) * Check the file for the languages - Application: 2023.4.12.(Wed) 09:30 ~ 4.18.(Tues) 17:00 ※ Homepage: http://flexcfl.hufs.ac.kr ; - Fee: 55,000 won - Results: 2023.6.2.(Fri) 15:00 homepage (http://flexcfl.hufs.ac.kr ) - Inquiries: HUFS FLEX Center (02-2173-2532, 2537)
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.11
- [Fall 2023] Admission for Yonsei University Graduate Schools【2023年秋季】延世大学大学院招生公告
- September 2023 Admission for Yonsei University Graduate Schools Graduate Schools at Yonsei University are recruiting students for the Fall 2023 Semester (entering in September 2023). Please refer to each Graduate School's website for details. All information is subject to change. Please check the Yonsei Website Notice for the list of Graduate Schools including application, interview, etc. 2023年9月延世大学大学院招生公告 延世大学大学院正在进行2023年秋季学期的招生(2023年9月)。 详细内容请参考各大学院的网站。 所有信息都有变更的可能性。 要看招生的大学院目录的同学请参考延世大学网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.10
- [Spring 2023] 4-3rd / 2-2nd Tuition Installment Plan Guideline /【2023年春季】第3/4 & 2/2次学费分期支付缴纳计划
- 4-3rd / 2-2nd Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) Guideline for Spring 2023 1. Qualification - Students who paid 1st and 2nd payments in 4 tuition installment plan - Students who paid 1st payment in 2 tuition installment plan 2. Registration Period - April 7, 2023 (Friday) 9:30 ~ April 10 (Monday) 17:00 (To pay at the bank counter, please check the bank hour) 3. Methods of Payment Print your bill: April 7, 2023 (Friday) 9:30 ~ April 10 (Monday) 17:00 (You can't print before the period) (Visit 'Yonsei Portal System --> Tuition and Payment --> Registration --> Print/Registration --> Browse/Registration --> Print the Bill) * You cannot pay by credit card for the Tuition Installment Plan 4. Upcoming Schedule 4th Payment: Aprl 28th, 2023 (Friday) 9:30 ~ May 2 (Monday) 17:00 For more detailed information, please check the Yonsei Website Notice!
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.10
- The 2nd Foreign Startup School in 2023 2023年第二次外国初创企业学校
- The 2nd Foreign Startup School in 2023 Application Period: April 5 (Wednesday) ~ April 12 (Wednesday) Eligibility: About 30 foreign pre-entrepreneurs who live in Korea (first come, first served) How to Apply: Visit Invest Seoul website --> Download the application form --> Fill out and submit online Schedule: (Online Lecture in Zoom) April 17 (Monday) ~ April 28 (Friday) Weekday, 19:00 ~ 21:00 Contact: oasis4@sba.seoul.kr / 02-6361-4136~4134 For more detail, please check the attached file. 2023年第二次外国初创企业学校 申请期间::4月5日(周五)~4月12日(周三) 申请资格: 30名准备创业的在韩国居住的外国人(按申请时间顺序) 如何申请:访问Invest Seoul网站-->下载申请书-->填写后网络提交 日程:(用ZOOM进行网课)4月17日(周一) ~ 4月28日(周五) 19:00 ~ 21:00 联系方式: oasis4@sba.seoul.kr / 02-6361-4136~4134 详细内容请参考附件。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.06
- K-Company Meet Up & Idea Contest 韩国公司见面会&创意大赛
- K-Company Meet Up & Idea Contest - Application Period: April 1st (Saturday) ~ 13th (Thursday), 2023 - Application Method: Google Link or Scan QR Code - Final Announcement: April 20th (Thursday) Google Link: https://forms.gle/wws1nvMCdmj4dKis9 Please refer to the poster for detailed information. Inquires: 02-2051-7040 / isfkorea@hanmail.net 韩国公司见面会&创意大赛 - 申请期间:4月1日(周六) ~ 13日(周四), 2023 - 申请方式:Google链接或扫描QR码 - 最终公布: 4月20日(周四) https://forms.gle/wws1nvMCdmj4dKis9 详细内容请参考海报。 咨询:02-2051-7040 / isfkorea@hanmail.net
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.04
- [Spring 2023] Course Survey by Students /【2023年春季】课程问卷调查
- 2023 Spring Semester Course Survey by Students All Yonsei students are required to participate in the course survey of all registered courses in the 2023 Spring Semester. Students must complete the survey before they are given access to their course grades. Students who do not complete the survey for each of their courses during the course survey period will not be able to check their course grades. Your thoughtfulness would be highly appreciated, as the professors take your opinion into account in improving their courses, and survey results would be disclosed for future students as reference in selecting courses. Please check the Yonsei Website Notice for further details such as Survey Period, Directions, etc. 2023年春季学期课程问卷调查 所有延世大学学生必须做关于2023年春季学期申请的课程。学生在确认成绩之前必须做完调查。 没有参加调查的学生不能确认成绩。教授会参考学生提供的意见改善课程。调查结果供日后选择课程时参考。 调查期间,方式等详细内容请参考延世大学官方网站公告。
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.04
Visa & Immigration
- [Spring 2023] Fingerprint Registration for ARC /【2023年春季】外国人登录证指纹登录
- Fingerprint Registration for ARC (group registration) Greetings from Yonsei Office of International Affairs. Students who have applied for ARC (alien registration card) through Hire Visa (group registration), please visit the Global Lounge, Sinchon Campus on April 4 (Tues), or April 5 (Wed) with your actual PASSPORT (not copy) and STUDENT ID CARD to get your fingerprint registered. If you do not register your fingerprint on this day, you MUST visit the Seoul Southern Immigration Office on your own to get your fingerprint registered. Please visit the Global Lounge (Baekyang-nuri, The Commons Bldg. 130) on your designated time period to disperse the crowd. If you have any questions, please contact HIRE VISA directly. 【2023年春季】外国人登录证指纹登录 大家好,这里是延世大学国际处。 利用Hire Visa(集体申请)申请了外国人登录证的学生请在4月4日(周二),5日(周三)带上护照原件(不可以用复印件)和学生证访问新村校区的Global Lounge。 如果不在当天登录登录指纹的话,学生必须自己访问首尔南部出入境管理局登录指纹。 为了避免混乱,请在指定时间内访问Global Lounge(白杨路,130号建筑)。 如果有什么问题,请直接联系Hire Visa.
- Yonsei GOSC 2023.04.03