Visa & Immigration
- [Spring 2024] Fingerprint Registration for ARC / 2024年春季外国人登陆证指纹登记
- Spring 2024 Fingerprint Registration for Group ARC - Date: April 3~4 (Wed~Thur), 2024 - Time: 10:00~16:00 * Must come at your reserved date & time - Location: Baekyang Nuri, Global Lounge Please bring your passport (original, not copy) NOTE: If you do not register during this time, you must visit the immigration office by yourself. Refer to your email for further information. 2024年春季团体外国人登陆证指纹登记 - 日期:2024年4月3日~4日(星期三~星期四) - 时间:上午10:00~下午4:00 * 请务必按照您预定的日期和时间前来 - 地点:Baekyang Nuri, Global Lounge 请携带您的护照(原件,不是复印件) 注意:如果您未在此期间进行登记,则必须自行前往出入境。 有关详细信息,请参阅您的电子邮件。
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.04.02
- [International Center for Youth] Recruiting Participants for Pronunciation Correction / 招募发音纠正参与者
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.04.01
- 2024년도 한국로타리요네야마학우회 장학생 모집 / 2024 Korea Rotary Yoneyama Alumni Association Scholarship
- 2024년도 한국로타리요네야마학우회 장학생 모집 1) 지원자격 - 한국 소재 대학(원)에 재학중인 일본인 유학생(대학생 또는 대학원생) 2) 선발인원 : 0명 3) 장학생 혜택 - 장학금 지원 : 2백만원 - 우수 장학생 연속지원 대상자 자격 부여 - 인턴체험 및 장학생 교류활동 기회 제공 4) 선발기준 - 한국어로 의사소통이 가능한자 (한국어능력시험 5급 이상) - 학업에 충실하고 성적이 우수한 자 (전년도 평균학점 2.5/4.5 이상인 자) - 한국문화에 대해 이해도가 높고, 교내/외 대외활동을 적극적으로 참여한 자 5) 선발절차 : 접수 – 서류전형 – 면접전형 – 합격자 발표 및 수여식 6) 제출서류 - 장학생 지원서 및 개인정보 동의서(재단양식) - 전학기 성적 증명서, 어학증명서(2년 이내) - 재학증명서 7) 접수기간 : 2024년 04월 20일 (이메일 접수, 스캔본) * 각 단계별 합격자는 개별연락 (문자, 이메일) 8) 접수방법 : 재단 장학생 지원서 및 개인정보 동의서 작성 후 증빙서류와 함께 이메일(mj0709@hanmail.net) 접수, 증빙서류는 PDF 또는 JPG 등의 파일 형태로 첨부 ※ 파일명은 학교명 자기이름 증명서류로. 예)한국대 요네야마 성적증명서 9) 문 의 : 김미정 장학금관리위원장 (e-mail : mj0709@hanmail.net / Tel : 010-9074-7097) 2024 Korea Rotary Yoneyama Alumni Association Scholarship 1) Eligibility - Japanese nationality student enrolled in a South Korean university (undergraduate or graduate) 2) Number of scholars: 00 3) Benefit - 2 million won - Qualification for consecutive application as an outstanding scholarship recipient - Providing opportunities for internship experience and scholarship recipient exchange activities 4) Selection Criteria - Able to communicate in Korean (level 5 or higher) - Diligent in studies and have excellent academic performance (avg. GPA 2.5/4.5 or higher in previous year) - Have high understanding of Korean culture and actively participate in both on-campus and off-campus extracurricular activities 5) Selection Procedure: Submission of Application - Review Document - Interview - Announce Successful Candidates and Award Ceremony 6) Required Document - Scholarship Application Form and Personal Information Consent Form (Foundation's format) - Transcript from previous semester, Language Proficiency Certificate (within 2 years) - Certificate of Enrollment 7) Submission Deadline: April 20, 2024 (email, scanned) * Successful candidates of each stage will be individually contact (text message or email) 8) Application Method: Submit all required documents to mj0709@hotmail.net. Documents should be sent in either PDF or JPG * File name should be in order of University Name Application Name Document (ex. 연세대 요네야마 성적증명서) 9) Inquiries: Kim, Mijung (김미정 장학금관리위원장) - Email: mj0709@hanmail.net - Tel: 010-9074-7097
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.28
- ISF SPRING 2024 International Student Job & Startup Fair / ISF SPRING 2024 国际学生工作与创业博览会
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.27
- [Hanhwa Life] 2024 Global Recruitment for Foreigners / [Hanhwa Life] 2024外国人招聘
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.22
Programs & Events
- [Spring 2024] Cultural Trip for International Students / [2024春季] 文化体验
- <<ALL SPOTS FOR THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN FILLED>> Spring 2024 Cultural Experience Program for Full-Degree International Students Spring is coming, is this a good time for a spring day trip? Come with us to the Spring 2024 Cultural Experience Program for Full-Degree International Students for a day of cultural activities! We will be making 쌀엿강정 (Korean Rice Snack), enjoying the beauty of Hanok Bukchon Village during spring with cherry blossoms all the road, and watching the famous ‘Nanta Show’ in Myeongdong! EVENT DETAILS: - Date & Time: April 5th, 2024 13:10 ~ 20:30 (KST) - Eligibility: Currently enrolled full-degree undergraduate Yonsei international students - Participation fee: Free of charge (deposit required) *Check the poster for more info We are only available for the first 40 people, so, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and join us for the most exciting Spring trip!
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.21
- [International Center for Youth] Task Correction Program / 과제 첨삭 프로그램 / 作业修正项目
- 안녕하세요! 한국어 과제 첨삭이 필요한 유학생을 위한 봉사활동에 모집합니다. 한국어로 제출해야 하는 과제, 글쓰기가 어려운 유학생들을 도와드리고자 합니다. [참가 설명] 대상: 국내 대학에 소재하고 있는 한국어 과제 작성이 어려웠던 유학생, 성적을 잘 받고 싶은 유학생 내용: 과제 수정, 글쓰기 도움 등 참가 방법: 카카오톡 오픈 채팅방 '국제청년센터 writing center' 검색 후 참여 [활동 내용] 한국어로 작성된 과제를 검토해드리고, 글쓰기에 어려움을 겪는 유학생들을 위해 조언을 해드립니다. 또한, 모든 서비스는 무료로 제공됩니다. 국제청년센터에서는 지속적으로 활동해온 경험이 있으며, 유학생들의 학업에 도움을 드리기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다! Volunteer Activity Notice for International Students Having Difficulty with Assignments: Hello! We are recruiting international students who need help with Korean assignment corrections. We aim to help students who struggle with assignments written in Korean or face difficulties in writing. [Participation Details] Target: International students enrolled in domestic universities who have difficulty with Korean assignment writing or those who aim to receive good grades Content: Assignment corrections, writing assistance, etc. How to participate: Join the KakaoTalk open chat room '국제청년센터 Writing Center' [Activity Details] We will review assignments written in Korean and provide advice to students experiencing difficulties in writing. Additionally, all services are provided free of charge. The International Youth Center has been dedicated to helping international students and strives to do its best. We appreciate your attention and participation! 你好!我们正在招募需要帮助的国际留学生,进行韩文作业校对。我们旨在帮助那些在韩文作业或写作方面遇到困难的学生。 [参与说明] 对象:在韩国大学就读的国际留学生,遇到韩文作业写作困难,渴望取得好成绩的留学生 内容:作业校对,写作帮助等 参与方法:加入KakaoTalk开放聊天室“국제청년센터 Writing Center” [活动内容] 我们将审核用韩文写的作业,并为遇到写作困难的学生提供建议。此外,所有服务均免费提供。 国际青年中心一直致力于帮助国际留学生,并努力做到最好。感谢您的关注和参与!
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.20
- [Seoul Immigration Office] LED Talent Contest for All Foreign Students Across Korea / 【首尔移民局】针对韩国全境外国留学生的LED才艺比赛
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.20
Programs & Events
- [Spring 2024] Welcome Party for International Students / 【2024春季】外国学生欢迎会
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.19
- [Job Match Seoul] Mentoring Program for the International Students (Marketing)
- Mentoring Program for the International Students (Marketing) : How to get a job in marketing in Korea? (Language: Korean) *이번 프로그램은 '한국어'로 진행됩니다. ▶ Time&Date: 2024.March.28.(Thursday) 14:00~16:00 ▶ Venue: Seoul Job Center 1st floor, Seminar Room ▶ Eligible Participants: 15 International Students (aged 15~ 39) residing in Seoul ▶ Mentor: Hanpass Marketing Manager Bulgan Byambadorj(Mongolia)/Weolle CEO Choi, Jung Joon ▶ Program: How to get a job in Marketing in Korea as an international student (Lecture, Job talk, Q&A) ▶ Application Period:2024.March.15 (Friday)~First come first served basis ▶ Sign-up Link: bit.ly/3TItbKg ▶ Inquiries: 02)731-9591~9
- Yonsei GOSC 2024.03.18